Business Consulting Companies
Megasoft Systems Business Consulting partnerships help service all aspects of enterprise transformation from strategy and processes to information technology and human resources. Our Business Consulting partners augment our services through their deep understanding of the vertical we focus on. We also provide our customers with a coherent transition from strategy formulation through implementation and support.
Megasoft Systems professionals have the technology expertise and a deep understanding of the industry trends and role of technology. Our Business Consulting partners will also further deepen the domain-knowledge of our professionals and help stay ahead of the curve with regards to trends and innovations.
To further your consulting role and ensure that your strategy recommendations are implemented in the way it was envisioned, embark on a synergistic partnership with Megasoft Systems.
Technology Platform Providers
Megasoft Systems partners with both Operating System Technology platform providers and Development Framework Technology platform providers appropriately serve unique needs of individual customers.
Megasoft Systems partnerships help its professionals stay informed about the capabilities of different Operating Systems and be the first to know about latest versions and their benefits. Megasoft Systems currently partners with major OS vendors Microsoft, Sun, Palm, Linus Torvalds and HP.
Megasoft Systems recognizes the growth of web-services and open technology and the increasing need for inter-operable systems, and has partnered with the leading development platform providers like Microsoft and Sun, to enrich its professionals with a deep understanding of J2EE and .NET.
Megasoft Systems also partners with leading Telecom Hardware vendors, were Megasoft Systems provides programming resources that supplement the implementation efforts of our partners at their clients.
Independent Software Vendors
Through our strategic relationships with the elite Independent Software Vendors , Megasoft Systems can bring a combination of world-class talent, leading technology and insight into the best use of these technologies, to deliver measurable ROI. Through our partnerships, we can offer our client’s lower cost, lower risk, higher quality and the value-proposition our client’s desire.
These partnerships help us ensure that our clients not only implement the right technologies suited to their unique business needs, but also implement it right- within accelerated time-lines and at lower costs. Aligning with a wide array of partners gives us the objectivity and capability needed to help our clients select and implement the solution that works best for them.
Partnerships with Megasoft Systems will allow ISVs to extend their reach and provide richer solutions for our focus markets.